Telnet Page c (or C) displays the last 16 security violations detected by the router. The format of page c is defined below. This page is updated every second.
Router Status page c (0010101490) Security Status LockBox=OFF Access List=ON Violations = 74773 BG = 6 LB In = 0 LB Out = 0 OK=0 Max=74767 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=138 DP=138 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=138 DP=138 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=138 DP=138 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=138 DP=138 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=2020 DP=111 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=2020 DP=111 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=2020 DP=111 T=7 D=1 V=4 C=8 S= D= P=17 SP=2020 DP=111 T=7 D=1 |
Security Status Lockbox = a Access List = b Violations = c BG = d LB In = e LB Out = f OK = g Max = h V = i C = j S = k.k.k.k D = l.l.l.l P = m SP = n DP = o T = p D = q
a = (Lockbox) May be ON or OFF
b = (Access List = GoodGuys list) May be ON or OFF
c = (Violations) The total number of violations, of all types, since the router was loaded.
d = (BG) The number of BAD GUY violations where an attempt was made to access the router from a IP address not in the goodGuyTable (excludes normal pings, but includes special diagnostic pings).
e = (LB In) The total number of times an incoming IP address has violated the incoming LockBox (Firewall) check rules defined by the user.
f = (LB Out) The total number of times an outgoing IP address has violated the outgoing LockBox check rules defined by the user.
g = (OK) The number of entries in the current LockBox 'allowed entry' list (OK List).
h = (Max) The maximum number of entries ever in the OK List since the router was loaded.
Each line represents a single security violation and contains the following values
i = (V=) Violation Type. The type of violation may take one of the following values
j = The Class of violation and may take one of the following values
k = (S=) Source IP Address. The source IP address that initiated the violation.
l = (D=) Destination IP address. The destination IP address of the violation.
m = (P=) Protocol. The protocol type, may take one of the following values:
n = (SP=) Source port number. The source port number (not valid if P = 1 = ICMP)
o = (DP=) Destination port number. The destination port number (not valid if P = 1 = ICMP)
p = (T=) Time from midnight. The time (in minutes past midnight) when the violation took place (if a Time Service in use) or a relative time value if no Time Service being used).
q = (D=) Day number. The day number when the violation took place, values may be
NOTE: Day number is only valid if a Time Service is being used, if no Time Service is being used this value will be 0.
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