Telnet Page 5 displays stats for MP (MultiLink), TCP, UDP, ICMP, IP, ISDN and HP (HotPools) and is laid out in a spreadsheet format with columns for each entry type (e.g. TCP, MP) and rows describing the particular entry (e.g. Line 3 = mpInDiscards).
TCP, UDP, ICMP and IP stats are based on the standard SNMP definition (name provided) and differ depending on the COLUMN header. MP, ISDN and HP COLUMNS are specific to ZyTrax Routers. Consult the appropriate COLUMN header for the value contained in each column then use the LINE NUMBER to find the specific value displayed for each COLUMN. The display is updated every 1 second.).
Protocol Summary (see sections for full contents of each page)
Click on the column to go to the Protocol
Line | ICMP | MP | HP=? | IP | TCP | ISDN | UDP |
1 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
2 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
3 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
4 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
5 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx |
6 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |
7 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |
8 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
9 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
10 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
11 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
12 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
13 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
14 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||
15 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
16 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
17 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
18 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
19 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
20 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
21 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
22 | xxx | xxx | xxx | xxx | |||
23 | xxx | xxx | xxx | ||||
24 | xxx | xxx | |||||
25 | xxx | xxx |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 |
icmpInMsgs |
Total of all incoming ICMP messages addressed for this router (all IP addresses if multi-homed) |
2 | icmpOutMsgs | Total of all ICMP messages originating at this router (all addresses if multi-homed) including responses to incoming messages and including all Time Exceeded messages discovered during IP forwarding |
3 | icmpInRedirects | mumber of icmp redirect messages addressed to this router |
4 | icmpOutRedirects | number of redirect messages originated by this router |
5 | icmpInErrors | Total of all ICMP specific erors or unsupported ICMP types |
6 | icmpOutErrors | Total of all outgoing messgaes with ICPM errors or unsupported types |
7 | icmpInEchos | Total of all incoming PINGs (Echo requests ) addressed to this router |
8 | icmpOutEchoReps | Total of all responses to PINGs (from this router) |
9 | icmpInSrcQuenchs | Total of incoming Source Quench messages received |
10 | icmpOutSrcQenchs | Total of all Source Qench messages send from this router |
11 | icmpInTimeExceeds | All incoming Time exceeded messages |
12 | icmpOutTimeExceeds | All TTL expired messages sent from this router< |
13 | icmpInEchoReps | number of response to echo requests (PINGs) sent by this router |
14 | icmpOutEchos | number of echo requests (PINGs) sent by this router |
15 | icmpInDestUnreachs | Total of all destination unreachable messages received by this router |
16 | icmpOutDestUnreachs | total number of Destination Unreachable messages originated by this router |
17 | icmpInParmProbs | total number of icmp messages sent from this router with icmp parameter problems |
18 | icmpOutParmProbs | total number of icmp messages addressed to this router with icmp parameter problems |
19 | icmpInTimestamps | number of incoming timestamp requests addressed to this router |
20 | icmpOutTimestampReps | number of responses to time stamp messages addressed to this router |
21 | icmpInTimeStampReps | number of reponses to timestamp reqyests originated by this router |
22 | icmpOutTimestamps | number of time stamp requests originated by this router |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | [mpInPkts] | All incoming (from line) packets received by the MP system (excludes any packets discarded by the interface (see SNMP_IF group) |
2 | [mpOutPkts] | All outgoing (to line) packets received by the MP protocol (excludesany packets lost by IP or the interface. |
3 | [mpInDiscards] | Number of packets discarded due to memory or other non error condition by the MP system. |
4 | [mpOutdiscards] | number of packets discarded due to meory or other non-error conditions by the MP system. |
5 | [mpInFrags] | Total of all incoming fragments received |
6 | [mpFragDiscards] | Total of all fragemnts discared due to sequence errors |
7 | [mpInProtos] | Total of all MP protocol packets received for this router |
8 | [mpOutProtos] | Total of all MP protocol blocks sent by this router |
9 | [mpInUdp] | Total of all incoming UDP blocks recieved (from line) by this router |
10 | [mpInTcp] | Total of all incoming TCP blocks received (from line) by this router |
11 | [mpInIcmp] | Total of all incoming ICMP blocks received (from line) by this router |
12 | [mpInOther] | Total of all incoming Other (non TCP, UDP or ICMP) blocks received (from line) by this router |
13 | [mpInErrors] | number of incoming blocks with errors |
14 | [mpOutErrors] | number of outgoing blocks with errors |
15 | [mpOutUdp] | number of outgoing (to line) UDP packets (may include this router) |
16 | [mpOutTcp] | number of outgoing (to line) TCP packets (may include this router) |
17 | [mpOutIcmp] | number of outgoing (to line) ICMP packets (may include this router) |
18 | [mpOutFrags] | number of outgoing (to line) MP fragments |
19 | [mpInCalls] | number of incoming calls received by this router (includes call with errors or other fails) |
20 | [mpOutCalls] | number of outgoing calls made by this router (includes call with errors or other fails) |
21 | [mpInCallErrors] | number of incoming calls that failed with line errors (call lost, timeout etc.) |
22 | [mpOutCallErrors] | number of outgoing calls that failed with line errors (busy, not answering, etc.) |
23 | [mpInAuthFails] | number of Incoming calls that failed authentication |
24 | [mpOutAuthFails] | number of outgoing calls that failed authentication |
25 | [mpLinksOpen] | number of links currently open including those controlled by this router |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | [hpInProxyFrags] | Total incoming fragments received from ROUTE_PROXY |
2 | [hpOutProxyFrags] | Total number of fragments sent to the ROUTE_MASTER The total blocks sent between peer routers is the sum of this entry and hpOutOBs. |
3 | [hpInDiscards] | Number of blocks discarded when receiving from peer router |
4 | [hpOutDiscards] | number of blocks discarded when trying to send to peer router |
5 | [hpInAuthReqs] | number of incoming AUTHORISATION_SERVICES requests received |
6 | [hpOutAuthReqs] | number of AUTHORISATION_SERVICES requests sent |
7 | [hpOutAuthReqTOs | number of times an AUTHORISATION_SERVICES request timed out |
8 | [hpAuthMultiples] | number of times an AUTHORISATION_SERVICESrequest received multiple replies |
9 | [hpNoChannels] | number of times no free channels could be found in the HotPoool (from all routers) |
10 | [hpKillRouters] | number of timesa HP router peer was removed from the table of routers (for all reasons) |
11 | [hpWrongCount] | number of times the count of free channels was incorrect (messages amy have been lost) |
12 | [hpNewRouters] | number of times a new router was added to the hotpool at this router |
13 | [hpInTakeProxies] | number of received TAKE_PROXY_ROUTE request for this router |
14 | [hpOutTakeProxies] | number of sent TAKE_PROXY_ROUTE requests sent from this router |
15 | [hpTakeProxyTOs] | number of sent TAKE_PROXY_ROUTE requests that failed with no response from peer |
16 | [hpInProxyFails] | number of incoming PROXY_FAILmesages received< |
17 | [hpOutProxyFails] | number of sent PROXY_FAIL messages |
18 | [hpIncomingProxies] | number of incoming calls at this router that became a ROUTE_PROXY (after authentication) |
19 | [hpInOBs] | number of blocks received for sending to a ROUTE_PROXY line |
20 | [hpOutOBs] | number of blocks sent to ROUTE_PROXY for transmission on link |
21 | [hpOutAYAReqs] | number of ARE_YOU_ALIVE messages sent toa peer router |
22 | [hpAYATOs] | number of ARE_YOU_ALIVE messages send that received no response |
23 | [hpSeqErrors] | number of times we got an incoming sequence error from a peer router |
24 | [hpNoLinks] | number of times we got a No Link condition (no free links in this router) |
25 | [hpFragDiscards] | number of OB or IP fragments we discarded due to loss of a partner fragment |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | ipInReceives | number of ip packets received by ip function (in and out) |
2 | ipOutRequests | number of ip packets origonating in this router |
3 | ipInDiscards | number of incoming ip messages (w/o errors) discarded |
4 | ipOutDiscards | number of incoming ip messages(w/o errors) discarded |
5 | ipInHdrErrors | number of packets with header errors (checksum, TTL expired) |
6 | ipInAddrErrors | number of messages received for the wrong address |
7 | ipForwDatagrams | number of incoming messages forwrded via the gateway/routing function |
8 | ipInUnknowProtos | number of incoming packets with unknown (or unsupported) protocols |
9 | ipInDelivers | number of IP packets for this router (all ip addresses if multi-homed) |
10 | ipOutNoRoutes | number of outgoing packets for with no route could be found |
11 | ipRoutingDiscards | number of packets discarded in the routing function (includes routing and memory and encapsulation errors) |
12 | [ipSameRoute] | number of packets (discarded) because incoming and outgoing routes were the same |
13 | [ipMultipleRoutes] | number of packets (not discarded) for which more that 1 route (ex. default route) was found |
14 | ipForwarding | 1 = forwading gateway/router 2 not gateway |
15 | ipDefaulltTTL | default Time-toLive value for packets originating here |
16 | [ipArpIn] | Number of incoming ARP requests |
17 | [ipArpOut] | Number of outgoing ARP requests |
18 | [ipArpResponses] | Number of incoming ARP requests we responded to |
19 | [IpArpSpoofs] | Number of incoming ARP requests we responded to on behalf of remote subnets |
20 | [ipArpInDiscards] | Number of incoming ARP requests we discarded |
21 | [ipArpInErrors] | Number of incoming ARP requets with errors |
22 | [ipArpOutDiscards] | Number of outgoing ARP requests we discarded |
23 | [ipArpOutErrors] | Number of outgoing ARP requests with errors |
24 | ipArpQDiscards | Total Number of packets discarded when LAN destinations fail to respond to ARP requests. |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | tcpInSegs | number of incoming segments for this router |
2 | tcpOutSegs | number of outgoing egments from this router |
3 | tcpRetransSegs | number of outgoing segments retransmitted |
4 | tcpInErrs | number of incoming segments with errors |
5 | tcpOutRsts | number of outgoing messages with RST flag set |
6 | tcpActiveOpens | number of active opens this router has supported |
7 | tcpPassiveOpens | number of passive opens this router has supported |
8 | tcpAttemptFails | number of failed connections at this router |
9 | tcpEstabResets | number of resets that have occurred at this router |
10 | tcpCurrEstab | number of currently ESTABLISH'd or CLOSE-WAIT TCP sockets |
11 | tcpRtoAlogorithm | retransmit timer 1 = other, 2 = const, 3 = MIL-STD 1778, 4 = Van Jacobson |
12 | tcpRtoMin | minimum value for retransmit timer (secs) |
13 | tcpRtoMax | maximum value for retransmit timer (secs) |
14 | tcpMaxConn | maximumTCP connections supported by this router |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | isdnOutSpids | Number of SPID requests sent. |
2 | isdnSpidLosts | Number of times SPID lost indications. |
3 | isdnSpidFails | number of SPID requests sent and rejected or failed |
4 | isdnSpidOks | number of SPID messages sent successfully |
5 | isdnTEIRequests | number of TEI assignment messages sent |
6 | isdnTEILosts | number of times switch removed our TEIs |
7 | isdnSBusDeacts | number of times we detected S-BUS deactivation |
Defines the entries and stats logged under each heading:
Line | SNMP Name | Notes |
1 | udpInDatagrams | number of udp datagrams terminating in this router (all ip addresses if multi-homed) |
2 | udpOutDatagrams | number of UDP packets originating in this router |
3 | updInErors | number of incoming packets for this router discarded with errors |
4 | udpOutErrors | number of outgoing packets from this router discarded with errors |
5 | udpNoPorts | number of incoming packets discared because there was no listening port |
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