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YourMail Administration

The ZyTrax YourMail service provides a set of powerful administration features that may be invoked via any web browser to add, delete or modify mailboxes, account aliases, remote mail accounts and other features for all the users in your domain. The following notes may help you to administer your mail service. If you want advice or need assistance contact us at any time.

  1. How do I log-in to administer my mail domain?
  2. I have forgotten my domain administration password.
  3. How do I change my administration password?
  4. How do I add a new mail box to the domain?
  5. How do I delete a mailbox from my domain?
  6. How do I create a mailbox alias?
  7. An employee has left and I want to divert all his/her mail to someone else?
  8. What is a mailbox alias?
  9. We have a lot of problems with rejected mail due to misspelled e-mail names?
  10. What type of name format can I use for e-mail addresses?
  11. Can I read/check e-mail in an account in my domain?
  12. How do I set up a RPOP account?
  13. What is an RPOP account?
  14. Are there standard mailboxes that I should create?
  15. Can I send mail to every mailbox in my domain?
  16. How do I forward mail to another mailbox?

If you find any of the explanations confusing or would like to see additional information provided here, please take the time to mail us a


How do I log-in to administer my mail domain?

To log-in to administer your domain:

  1. Load a web browser (e.g. Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer)
  2. On the 'Address' line (Explorer) or 'Location' line (Navigator) type

  3. Where should be replaced with your domain name (the part of your e-mail address AFTER the @ sign).
  4. At the Login prompt enter your mail account name in the 'Login Name' field and your account password, then click 'Enter'
  5. NOTE: Unlike a user account there is no requirement to 'Log Out' of the Administrators function - it automatically times out to provide higher security.
  6. When you log in for the first time we recommend you change the password of the administrators account and invoke the 'Forgotten Password Recovery' process by entering a trusted e-mail address in the 'E-mail Password to' entry. To do this you log-in to your account as a normal user NOT as an administrator by following this procedure.

NOTE: The admin account can be used as a normal e-mail account (and accessed via a web browser or an e-mail client). When used as a normal account it is accessed via when used as a domain administration account it is accessed via

I have forgotten my domain administration password.

If you have set up the 'Forgotten Password Recovery' process then proceed as follows:

  1. Login to the admin account as a normal user ( enter your account name as the 'Login Name' and enter your normal password.
  2. When the password is rejected you will see a 'Forget it?' menu item. Click this to have a copy of your password mailed to your trusted account.
  3. We recommend that you immediately change your administration password following this process.

IF you have NOT implemented the 'Forgotten Password Recovery' procedure then contact ZyTrax who can reset your password to an agreed value. Please note that ZyTrax will require proof of your authority to request this procedure. We recommend that you immediately change your administration password following this process.

IMPORTANT SECURITY ISSUE: If you use the Forgotten Password recovery procedure on a Admin password then you MUST trust the alternative mailbox owner. Remember that this mailbox ownner can ALWAYS get your password by trying to login to your account, then click 'Forgot it?' secure in the knowledge they will have your account password within seconds.

How do I change my administration password?

The administration password is the same as that used for normal mailbox operation. To change your administration password login to your account as a normal mailbox and follow this procedure.

How do I add a new mail box to the domain?

  1. Login to the domain administration
  2. Enter the new mailbox name in the 'Create Account' text box and click the 'Create Account' button
  3. You will see the new account appear at the bottom of the display.

NOTE: The new account is set up with a default password unique to your domain. To change the default domain password, click the 'Template' menu item and set the value of the 'CommuniGate Password' to the required value and then click 'Update'.

How do I delete a mailbox from my domain?

  1. Login to the domain administration
  2. Click the 'Account' you wish to delete.
  3. Go to the bottom of the account screen and click the 'Remove Account' button.

How do I create a mailbox alias?

  1. Login to the domain administration
  2. Click the 'Account' you wish to add an alias to.
  3. Find the Aliases section and enter the Alias in the first free box then click the 'Update' button

An employee has left and I want to delete the account but divert all his/her mail to someone else?

  1. Login to the domain administration
  2. Click the 'Account' you wish to delete.
  3. Note the Account name and ALL the account aliases then click 'Remove Account'
  4. Create the new account.
  5. Add the deleted account name and ALL its Aliases as aliases to the new account

What is a mailbox alias?

A mailbox alias is simply an alternate name for a mailbox account. Mail sent to either the mailbox account name or any of its aliases will arrive at the same account. Aliases must be unique in your domain but you can have any number of aliases per mailbox. Example: if a mailbox account name is 'joe' then joedimaggio, joe.dimaggio, j.maggio,  'info' and 'sales' could all be aliases for the 'joe' account.

We have a lot of problems with rejected mail due to misspelled e-mail names?

If you have difficult to spell e-mail names use aliases to cover the most common spelling errors e.g. assume a mailbox name of you could create aliases for l.choo and l.chu or as many as necessary to cover the most obvious spelling errors. Mail sent to any of these names will arrive in the mailbox l.chou.

What type of name format can I use for e-mail addresses?

Almost any name format can be used as long as EVERY name is unique within your domain. From our experience with clients the most popular naming conventions appear to be (we use the fictitious name Lee Chou as an example throughout this section):

  1. Initials i.e. for Lee Chou
  2. first letter of first name and the whole family name i.e.
  3. first letter of first name , period, whole of family name i.e.
  4. first name, period, family name i.e. lee.chou

In practice it does not matter what naming convention you use as long as you use it consistently. Using aliases you can use more than one naming convention or provide a series of increasingly formal names depending on who you are corresponding with e.g. , and even

Can I read/check e-mail in any account in my domain?

Our standard policy is that the administrator is not configured to read e-mail in any mailbox account within the domain, mailboxes can be deleted and created but mail cannot be read.

How do I set up a RPOP account?

To create a remote mail account (RPOP) that will be polled at a user defined interval:

  1. Login to your domain (adding RPOP accounts can also be done from any user account).
  2. Click the mailbox to which you want to add the RPOP account.
  3. Click 'RPOP' on the top menu bar.
  4. Make the following entries.
    • Under 'Poll Every' select the appropriate value from the drop-down menu (30 minutes is normal).
    • Under 'Account' enter the part of your e-mail address that appears BEFORE the @ sign  i.e. if your full e-mail address is then joe will go here.
    • Under 'at Host' enter the part of your e-mail address that appears AFTER the @ sign  i.e. if your full e-mail address is then will go here.
    • Under 'Password' enter the password you use to log into your account on the remote mailbox.
    • Under 'Leave' check (click) this field if you want your mail to be left in your remote account. If you want your mail read into your local account then deleted from your remote account(default) then leave this field unchecked.
  5. Click the 'Update' button to make the changes effective.

What is an RPOP account?

An RPOP account is a mailbox on another mail system, it may be a personal mailbox or a previous business mailbox, that you want to be polled at a periodic interval you determine and mail added to your nominated mailbox. Once the RPOP account has been created you can forget it, mail is automatically copied into your mailbox account.

Are there standard mailboxes that I should create?

We would recommend that you create (or alias) the following minimum mailbox names: general enquires to your domain if you are selling products or services regrettably things can go wrong and if they do the person on the receiving end of the problem will try to send a notification to this address. The standard account name for mail admininstration functions.

Can I send mail to every mailbox in my domain?

Any account can send mail to this sends a copy to every mailbox in the domain.

How do I forward mail to another mailbox?

YourMail allows both temporary and permanent forwarding of mail.

Temporary Forwarding

To temporarily forward a mailbox (the mailbox is retained and continues to use a mailbox entry) proceed as follows :

  1. Using a web browser Login as the Administrator
  2. Click the account name you wish to forward.
  3. Click the 'Rules' menu
  4. Click the 'Redirect all mail to' checkbox.
  5. Enter the FULL email address that you wish your mail to be forwarded to.
  6. Click 'Keep a copy' ONLY if you want to retain a copy of the message in this mail box as well (remember unless you empty this mailbox regularly you may run out of space and lose new entries).
  7. Click 'Do not Redirect Automatic Messages' to avoid the message you defined at 'Auto-Reply' above forwarded to the maibox.
  8. Click the 'Update' button
  9. Click the 'Log Out' menu

Permanent Forwarding

To permanently forward a mailbox (the local mailbox can be deleted or re-assigned) proceed as follows :

  1. Using a web browser Login as the Administrator
  2. Click Forwarders link on the opening screen (below WebAdmin on right).
  3. Enter the mailbox name (e.g. joe) under the 'Name' column.
  4. Enter the full email address (e.g. under 'Forward to' column.
  5. Click 'Update' button.

The mailbox can be deleted or re-assigned by following this procedure.

If you find any of the explanations confusing or would like to see additional information provided here, please take the time to mail us a


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