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Office12 Plan Prices

Our 7 AM to 7 PM dedicated services for classic business use.

Note: All prices are in Canadian dollars unless indicated otherwise. See also notes at foot of page.

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Plan Price
Office12-64 $90 ISDN 64K Fixed 7AM to 7PM service. 16 Users.
Office12-128 $160 ISDN 128K Fixed 7AM to 7PM service. Unlimited Users.
Office12-192 $240 ISDN 192K Fixed 7AM to 7PM service. Unlimited Users.
Office12-256 $320 ISDN 256K Fixed 7AM to 7PM service. Unlimited Users.
DoD $60 Additional 64K 'dial on demand' channel.
Extra Time $1 Each additional hour outside of the 7AM to 7PM period.
FlexOver $0.60 Committed extra monthly hours in advance
Router $40 You may also purchase or use a router from our approved list.

Office12 Notes

  1. Office12 service may, at the users choice, be set to use Dial-in mode (64K or 128K) after 7PM until some convenient time or immediately to a ZERO LINK service. CAUTION: If Dial-in mode is set and users have browsers active in PointCast or a similar service then the link will automatically open every few minutes. The ZERO Link option does NOT open under these conditions. For advice on the types of application that may keep your link open click here.
  2. If the ZERO LINK option is selected, then the customer can open the link on a 'Temporary basis' for up to 4 hours at a time after which it will revert to its ZERO LINK state.
  3. ZyTrax routers have a special Time of Day mode to implement this service, other routers may not have such a feature to automatically disconnect at a particular time. In this case the customer is responsible for all Extra Time costs.
  4. When using a 128K connection, times are calculated on the basis of each channel connected, thus if two channels are connected (128K) for 1 hour this counts as 2 hours of Extra Time.
  5. With Office12-192 and Office12-256 services we supply 1 router at no charge.
  6. If you select the ZERO LINK service after your nominated hours then YOU WILL NOT BE BILLED FOR ANY EXTRA HOURS UNLESS YOU DECIDE TO OPEN THE LINK.

128K Connections

  1. When using a 128K connection with an Limited Hour Plan times are calculated on the basis of each Channel connected, thus if two channels are connected for 1 hour this counts as 2 hours both for the basic connection times and for Extra Time.

Additional Dial-on-Demand

  1. Customers may add dial-on demand access in increments of 64K (up to a maximum of 256K).
  2. Dial-on-demand will provide dynamic capacity on top of the basic service, thus if you are using an Office12-128K plan you will have a dedicated 128K service (from 7AM to 7PM) purchase a single DoD channel will allow you to dynamically go to 192K when the demand is there.
  3. Idle timers on all Dial-on-Demand channels are set to 30 seconds.


If Office-12 does not quite handle your operational hours then use FlexOver to keep your costs fixed.

  1. Commit to an extra number of hours on a per monthly basis (you tell us the start and end times) and we'll fix them at 60 cents an hour.
  2. The sum of all start and end times do not need to add to the total FlexOver hours e.g. you could say that you want extra time from 7PM to 9PM (on a daily basis this would be 60 hours in a 30 day month BUT the FlexOver plan allows you to buy 30 hours in this period (anything over the 30 hours is charged at $1 per hour)
  3. From the end of the Standard Office-12 period (currently 7PM) your Router will go-into DIAL-IN mode with a 60 second idle timer until the end of your nominated FlexOver period.
  4. At the end of the FlexOver period you can select to have your Router set to Dial-in mode or you can select the ZERO LINK mode.

IP Address Notes

  1. Dynamic IP addresses to plan limit - No charge.
  2. Single static IP $3 per month.
  3. Static IP addresses (4) $6 per month.
  4. Static IP addresses (8) $10 per month.
  5. Static IP addresses (16) $15 per month.
  6. Static IP addresses (32) $20 per month.

Router notes

  1. Rental includes initial configuration and support.

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