Powerful routing features support both Static and dynamically acquired routes (via RIP2). Each link in a multi-link network to be separately routed. ICMP re-direct support helps ensure the latest and shortest routing is always available.
Up to 20 independently routed static destinations or subnets are supported by the Warp Range of products. Each entry defines a Logical Route comprising of a Network Number, a Network mask, a Next Hop address, a connection type, a route metric and ‘route properties. Route properties allow the user to define routing characteristics at a Logical Route level such as
- NAT- defines whether NAT translation is applied or not to traffic on the Logical Route
- Multicasting – defines whether or not multicasting is applied on the Logical route
Logical Route to Physical Route mapping.
This clear separation of logical and physical routing allows multiple Logical Routes each exhibiting different behaviors to be mapped to a single Physical Route. An example of this would be where traffic for certain purposes e.g. Internet access, was put through a NAT process but that traffic for other purposes e.g. a Enterprise wide Extranet was not. Both traffic types share the same physical connection but would undergo very different internal treatments by the router.
The clear separation of Logical and Physical routing used in the Warp range allows multiple Logical Routes each exhibiting different behaviors (having different route properties) to be mapped to a single Physical Route. An example of this would be where traffic for certain destinations e.g. Internet default access, was put through a NAT but that traffic for other destinations e.g. a Enterprise wide Extranet was not. Both Logical Routes share the same Physical Route but undergo very different forwarding treatments by the router.
Each routing table entry defines a 'Logical Route'. 'Logical Routes' may be combined or aggregated onto a single Physical Route. Thus a single 'Physical Route' may carry many 'Logical traffic streams' whose routing requirements (incoming and/or outgoing) may be very different.
e.g. An ISDN, Wireless (or LAN) connection may carry 'Logical traffic streams' on which NAT is required. Sharing the same Physical Route may be a set of destination addresses that constitute a VPN and which may be tunneled using the LockBox, L2TP or NAT. Yet other 'Logical traffic streams' may support Multicasting while the rest do not.
The ability to aggregate all such traffic enables ZYTRAX Routers to cope with any routing situation rather than 'classic' edge routing scenarios. All ZYTRAX Routers may act as a Remote or an Access Router with equal facility.
There is no limit to the number of routes that can be acquired via RIP2. The route table, like all other tables in ZYTRAX Routers, is dynamically created from the available RAM buffer pool and can be as large as necessary to handle the network loads.
Many, so-called, routers have extreme difficulty in handling multiple concurrent connections and being able to route traffic to any one of up to 20 differ rent static destinations (and with RIP2 route acquisition – this figure could be substantially higher). ZYTRAX Routers excel in this kind of routing scenario e.g. using the router as a concentrator or ‘staging’ router with one channel handling, say, Internet access while the other is handling a branch office (which needs to communicate both with the local LAN and with the Internet). This kind of routing scenario can save huge dollars in Internet access costs while maintaining performance. Combined with Bandwidth Management services, where the number of connections and their destinations could vary on a minute-to-minute basis, the savings can be more dramatic still.
Required to be compliant with RFC 1812. ZYTRAX Routers support the Router Discovery Protocol, a little used protocol, that can be used by hosts to dynamically acquire the default router for any network. All Routers 'advertise' their Primary IP as a Default Gateway as default (by configuration the Router may be defined to advertsie its IP as a non-Default Gateway).
ZYTRAX Routers both generate and use ICMP re-direct messages to dynamically improve their routing ability (and reduce network latency).
ZYTRAX Routers support IGMPv2 and may be optionally configured to support IGMPv1 multi-cast group membership acquisition.
CIDR (or Classless Inter-Domain Routing) is a fancy way of saying that Net mask fields are not limited to the 'classic' Class A, Class B or Class C types but that any number of contiguous bit net masks may be used. ZYTRAX Routers fully support CIDR.
warp hardware
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