Very long in the tooth. Last updated around end of the twelth century. Lots of Netscape 4.x stuff (one feels nauseous just thinking about it). Mostly historic interest.
We started this page as way of trying to document all those little things that can cost hours of time (actually the first cost a couple of weeks elapsed).
With a DOCTYPE declaration of 'HTML 4.01 Transitional' CSS positioning was working perfectly e.g.: = 7;
This line placed the object exactly where we wanted it. We changed the DOCTYPE to 'XHTML 1.0 Transitional'. Wouldn't work with Gecko. We checked the DTD references (now that's real fun). Perfect. Searched the web - nothing. Turns out that Gecko gets picky with XHTML and needs: = 7+"px";
Works perfectly with MSIE and Gecko.
Comments are different in CSS, Javascript and HTML. Mix them at your peril. We had problems with this especially in CSS definitions that got lost by Gecko while it was looking for a correct terminator. The W3C CSS validation service pointed out the error of our ways - but not the solution. Took us hours to find the CSS comment format definition - maybe we should buy a book!
/* a CSS comment using C style */
<!-- an HTML comment that will kill CSS -->
// a Javascript comment using C++ style
/* a Javascript comment using C style */
Don't mix 'em up cos you are gonna have problems.
If you have multiple class definitions in a single object e.g. a table cell with Netscape 4.x and the 'background' or 'background-color' attributes are NOT the same 4.x seems to ADD the colors. Solution is to use the same class definitions in both places.
<td class="p-f-s"><a href="" class="p-f-s"></a></td>
The second class MUST be present to stop the text decoration effect.
It pretty obvious to us now - but the W3C DOM provides real-time results which confused us (small brains). This loop does NOT give the desired results because 'nodelist.length' is evaluated for each loop iteration and hence dynamically changes during execution.
// get a reference to an existing object obj = document.getElementById("one"); // empty this object of its children nodelist = obj.childNodes; // now loop and remove them all for(i = 0; i < nodelist.length; i++) { this_node = nodelist[i]; // reference changes dynamically removed_node = obj.removeChild(this_node); }
This loop does provide the correct results.
// get a reference to an existing object obj = document.getElementById("one"); // empty this object of its children nodelist = obj.childNodes; // now loop and remove them all c = nodelist.length; // needed because changes dynamically for(i = 0; i < c; i++) { this_node = nodelist[0]; // reference changes dynamically removed_node = obj.removeChild(this_node); } // or you could use this simpler(?) alternate method while(obj.hasChildNodes() == true) { obj.removeChild(obj.childNodes[0]); }
Since you don't strictly have to define variables in javascript before you use them we don't - normally. But it's bad programming discipline. And like most bad disciplines will occasionally leave you in the brown stuff. If you use variables in a recursive function YOU MUST DECLARE THEM EXPLICITLY.
// this does NOT work correctly function dothingy(one) { nodelist = one.childNodes; count = nodelist.length; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(nodelist[i].nodeType ==1) { dothingy(nodelist[i]); } } }
This works perfectly.
// this works correctly function dothingy(one) { var nodelist; // local scope variables var count; nodelist = one.childNodes; count = nodelist.length; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(nodelist[i].nodeType ==1) { dothingy(nodelist[i]); } } }
"SCRIPT" and "STYLE" HTML Elements are elements and therefore according to the W3C DOM have an id attribute. If you set the id attribute on these tags in Gecko you get strange results. So don't. Actually the HTML ref says they these tags don't have an id attribute. Do we have an inheritance mismatch here between the W3C HTML spec and the W3C's DOM spec (or a Gecko bug)?
// this gives problems if used from the document root // gives all elements a unique id function dothingy(one) { nodelist = one.childNodes; count = nodelist.length; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { mn = nodelist[i]; if(mn.nodeType ==1) { if( == "") = "base"+count++; // give unique id dothingy(mn); } } }
This works perfectly.
// this works correctly and gives all valid elements a unique id function dothingy(one) { var nodelist; // local scope variables var count; nodelist = one.childNodes; count = nodelist.length; for(i = 0; i < count; i++) { mn = nodelist[i]; if(mn.nodeType ==1) { if(mn.nodeName != "STYLE" && mn.nodeName != "SCRIPT") { if( == "") = "base"+count++; // give unique id dothingy(mn); } } } }
If you need to join images together with no spacing, say in the cells of a table, and you've racked your brain for an hour trying to figure out how to remove the thin line that most browsers (except Opera) leave between the images. Well rack no longer. The wheeze is to remove all spaces and new lines between all the HTML element definitions containing the images. We mean all. OK so it may the longest line in the world and looks as ugly as hell - but there are no spaces between the images! It really is a simple as that. Roy Whittle has written to point out that if very long lines offend your sense of the aesthetic then you can break the lines within the html tag as shown below. Oh by the way, don't forget the cellpadding and cellspacing attributes - both should be zero for a 'no-gap' table and 'cellpadding' for a 'no-gap' cell.
// this will leave a small space // between images in the cell <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <img src="a.gif" border="0" alt=""> <img src="b.gif" border="0" alt=""> </td> </tr> </table> // this will leave no space between // images in the cell <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td><img src="a.gif" border="0"><img src="b.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </table> // alternate method - (from Roy Whittle) again this will leave no space between // images in the cell but source breaks are inside the html tags not between them <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td><img src="a.gif" border="0"><img src="b.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </table>
Manuelle Greuff contributed this alternate CSS based suggestion. Use a 'font-size:0px;' inside the tags or in a class definition e.g.
// remove spaces in-line style definition <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td style="font-size:0px;"> <img src="a.gif" border="0" alt=""> <img src="b.gif" border="0" alt=""> </td> </tr> </table> // remove spaces class definition // style sheet .nospace {font-size:0px;} // html <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="nospace"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <img src="a.gif" border="0"> <img src="b.gif" border="0"></td> </tr> </table>
You can place the form, form end and form elements almost anywhere in a table and browsers will render it correctly. But if you don't get it just perfect the W3C validation service will reject your wonderful page. Now its not clear what 'just perfect' is 'cos the form section of the HTML 4.01 spec doesn't have anything to say on the question of positioning and nesting. However it appears the rules are:
Who loves ya babe. The W3C's validator loves ya babe.
// form in a table cell - OK <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <form name="none" method="post" action="/get/lost.php"> // form fields </form> </td> </tr> </table> // table inside a form <form name="none" method="post" action="/get/lost.php"> <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"> <tr valign="top"> <td> // form field e.g. input, textarea etc. </td> <td> // form field e.g. input, textarea etc. </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td> // form field e.g. input, textarea etc. </td> <td> // form field e.g. input, textarea etc. </td> </tr> </table> </form>
You got this fantastic page, elegant and stunningly sophisticated, to finally to display just right and as you mouse over the page up pops this pesky image tool bar, courtesy of MSIE, and destroys your look. No problemo, you can disable it for the whole page using the non-standard 'meta' tag:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no">
This toolbar can however also be useful so if you want it, either don't put the above on your page, or if you need to enable it for a single image use the non-standard <img> galleryimg="yes" ..../> attribute , conversely if you want to disable it for a single image use galleryimg="no". Its all explained at Microsoft's MSDN site for those of you that like to hang out there.
We try not to use graphic rollovers whenever possible. Well, thats not exactly true we actually try not to use javascipt whenever possible for any rollover effect - preferring CSS based text effects instead. However we had no choice recently and we forgot our trivial rollover and had to look through some dusty files to find it again. OK so there a gzillion of them out there but this is the one we use - nice and self contained - to heck with those script tags.
<a href="" onmouseover="document.thingy.src='on.gif';" onmouseout="document.thingy.src='off.gif';"> <img name="thingy" src="off.gif" border="0" alt=""></a>
We have used OpenOffice for years but for some strange reason just discovered it could output in SWF format (as well as PPT and PDF). So we clicked the export function, selected swf and we had a file. Now what.
The normal output from a flash movie maker gives you all kinds of stuff that you can paste into your HTML document. We knew the name of the swf file. Period. Not its size, classid or any of that other stuff. Turns out that a trivial subset of HTML markup works perfectly adequately and that details like size are important for layout but not for the flash player which by default scales the movie to fit the desired space while preserving the aspect ratio.
So the only problem left is whether to use just OBJECT tags or do what most most folks do and use both. All modern browsers support the OBJECT tag (and it validates) however if you are committed to support every browser known to mankind since the beginning of time you need to adopt a dual strategy - both are shown below.
Notes: We failed to get CSS to apply consistent styling to either EMBED or OBJECT tags for alignment, height and width so fell back to using a crude <div align="center"> to place the displays and added the width/height attributes in the OBJECT tag. This Adobe Tech Note defines the OBJECT and EMBED tag attributes for use with swf and this one defines the classid values if you need to use them.
The OBJECT tag is a standard HTML tag but our target browsers (MSIE6+, Gecko and Opera 9) have different implementations. The following HTML code snippet seems to be the minimal that will play our test file as well as some others we tested (check your browser's support).
<div align="center"> <object data="test.swf" height="500" width="500" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="movie" value="test.swf"> </object> </div>
The movie is centered based on the div tag and the OBJECT tag's height and width attributes control the layout space occupied.
MSIE ignores the data attribute whereas Gecko ignores the movie param so you need both.
The default is to immediately start playing when the page loads - if you need to inhibit this behaviour add the following:
<param name="play" value="false">
If the above param is included the .swf file must have embedded controls to allow the user to start the movie manually.
EMBED is one of those historical non-standard tags (introduced by Netscape in 1995'ish) that continue to plague the industry but is supported by almost every browser - go figure. Experiments showed that MSIE (6+), Gecko and Opera 9 support this tag - you can even leave out the OBJECT tag and it will still work - as will (most) older browsers that followed Netscape, whereas those same older browsers may not support the OBJECT tag. This code will not validate even as serbo-croation HTML/XHTML. The following HTML code snippet displays our test file (check your browser's support).
<div align="center"> <object data="test.swf" height="500" width="500" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="movie" value="test.swf"> <embed src="test.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="500" height="500"> </div>
The flash movie is centered based on the div tag and the height and width tags control the layout space occupied while by default the flash movie player plugin scales to fit the available space while preserving the aspect ratio. The EMBED is simply nested inside the OBJECT tag.
YouTube videos also use the Flash media player plugin (though in FLV format not SWF). Those clever folks over at Youtube have made the process trivial. Go to the Youtube video page that you want to add. To the right of the video is a panel at the bottom of which is a line labeled Embed. Double click this line, right click on the mouse and select copy, then paste it into your page. The snippet uses the OBJECT and EMBED wheeze above. If you want it to validate then delete the EMBED code and add the both a data attribute (for Gecko) and a type attribute (for MSIE) and get rid of the </param>s as shown below:
# non-validating youtube code snippet <object width="425" height="350"> <param name="movie" value=""></param> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param> <embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed> </object> # validating code transformation <object data="" width="425" height="350" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> <param name="movie" value=""> <param name="wmode" value="transparent"> </object>
One day when we we need to embed other players we will do some more research. In the mean time if you are using the Windows media player you can look this MS page detailing the available params for the OBJECT tag which indicates that Firefox/Gecko uses a type of video/x-ms-wmp whereas this MS page details the normal MS mime types.
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