W3C Event Reference. Part of the Events Interface.
The following notes apply:
The following properties (attributes) are exposed when an event is triggered (an event object is created). ALL properties (attributes) below are READ ONLY.
Property | Description |
altKey | boolean - true if alt key pressed |
button | 0 = right, 1 = middle, 2 = left. More than one button may be indicated. In Gecko not valid on mousemove, mouseout, mouseover. |
clientX | the horizontal offset in pixels from the parent node of this object. |
clientY | the vertical offset in pixels from the parent node of this object. |
ctrlKey | boolean - true = control key pressed. |
metaKey | boolean true = meta key pressed. |
relatedTarget | on 'mouseover' should be object being exited. For 'mouseout' should be the object being entered. |
screenX | the horizontal offset in pixels from the origin of the screen. |
screenY | the vertical offset in pixels from the origin of the screen. |
shiftKey | boolean true = shift key was pressed. |
bubbles | boolean true = event can bubble. |
cancelable | boolean true = event can be canceled. |
currentTarget | the name of the object currently being processed. |
eventPhase | may be: AT_TARGET - evaluation (being initialised) BUBBLING_PHASE CAPTURING_PHASE. |
target | indicates the target to which the event was originally dispatched. |
timeStamp | time in milliseconds from 1st January 1970 (UCT) or 0 if not available. |
type | the name of the event. |
detail | event specific details. |
view | identifies the AbstractView for the event (?). |
attrChange | Mutation. Indicates the type of change may be: ADDITION, MODIFICATION, REMOVAL. |
attrName | Mutation. The name of object that changed. |
newValue | Mutation. The new value of the object. |
prevValue | Mutation. The previous value of the object. |
relatedNode | Mutation. Indicates the actual node changed if an indirect event was created (the event was triggered by a change to another node which may be higher or lower in the hierarchy). |
The following methods are exposed when an event is triggered (an event object is created).
Method | Description |
addEventListener | adds an event listener for the defined event type for the specified object. |
dispatchevent | fires an event created by a createEvent followed by an initEvent. |
removeEventListener | removes an event listener for the defined event type for the specified object. |
initEvent | initialises an event that is subsequently fired by the dispatchEvent method. |
preventDefault | stops the event bubbling (this lets you stop the default context menu on right mouse click). |
stopPropagation | stops further event triggering at higher levels in the object hierarchy (this lets you stop the default context menu on right mouse click). |
createEvent | called as part of a sequence to fire an event createEvent->initMouseEvent->dispatchevent. |
initUIEvent | initialises a UI event that is subsequently fired by the dispatchEvent method. |
initMouseEvent | initialises a Mouse event that is subsequently fired by the dispatchEvent method. |
initMutationEvent | initialises a Mutation event that is subsequently fired by the dispatchEvent method. |
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