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LDAP Training

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Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is re-emerging as the standard for managing resources and objects used within and in some cases between organizations. The hierarchical, yet flexible architecture, of LDAP makes it suitable for a wide range of tasks from simple customer address lists through operational provision of Single Sign-On (SSO and Identity Management) to a repository for network wide policy management. With resilience, platform independence and distributed functionality built-in, coupled with LDAP abstraction layers available from most transaction oriented database suppliers, LDAP is the ideal standards based approach to unifying data usage on an enterprise wide basis. Microsoft's Active Directory is but one of a number of enterprise wide solutions using LDAP to glue together disparate data. The courses focus primarily on Open Source implementations of LDAP - notably OpenLDAP and ApacheDS but the theory covered is relevant to all LDAP implementations. In the Basic LDAP and Advanced LDAP courses 10 - 15% of the material is application specific the remainder being generic LDAP - implementation agnostic.

Note: Uses of LDAP vary significantly from organization to organization. As users show new interest in using LDAP as a single standards-based means of accessing data - irrespective of its source - we are seeing a varying requirement for courses tailored to specific instances of LDAP or to assist with the design, planning or implementation of LDAP functionality. We would be pleased to discuss specifically tailored, on-site courses designed to optimize time and financial resources. Please feel free to contact us at any time by telephone (+1-514-315-4296) or email.

Standard Courses Offered

Course Overview
Basic LDAP Basic LDAP is a 2 day course but may be combined with Advanced LDAP to create a 3 day course. Students will learn the theory and organization of the LDAP hierarchy or Object Tree Structure covering the Data Information Tree (DIT), objectClasses and attributes. LDAP Interchange Files (LDIF), LDAP security, STRUCTURAL, AUXILIARY and ABSTRACT Object Classes, Schemas, ASN.1 notation, matching rules, indexing and searching are all covered in detail. Students will construct a simple application when the basic theory has been covered and then progressively enhance the application with increasingly complex functionality to both fully illustrate all the architectural elements and as a practical demonstration of the flexibility and extensibility of LDAP. A platform independent LDAP browser is used throughout the course to examine the students LDAP implementation as well as other LDAP systems such as Window's Active Directory LDAP implementation.
Advanced LDAP Advanced LDAP is a 1 day course but may be combined with Basic LDAP to create a 3 day course. Students will review the theory and organization of the LDAP hierarchy or Object Tree Structure covering the Data Information Tree (DIT), objectClasses and attributes, schemas and LDIF files. A shell application will be used (an extension of that used in the Basic LDAP course) to provide a hands-on experience. Students will learn the detail syntax of objectClasses and Attributes and design, and add, a new objectClass, multiple Attributes and package them into a new schema. An overview of the LDAP API to allow understanding of alternative implementations and uses of LDAP. A platform independent LDAP browser is used throughout the course to examine both the students application and the Windows Active Directory LDAP implementation. Students need to be thoroughly familiar with basic LDAP technology and ideally should have taken the BASIC LDAP course.
LDAP Sysadmin Update LDAP System Administration Update is a 2 day course designed to bring OpenLDAP users and administrators up-to-date with the significant changes in OpenLDAP (versions 2.3 and 2.4) and to review alternate Open Source LDAP implementations. Students will briefly review the theory and organization of the LDAP hierarchy or Object Tree Structure covering the Data Information Tree (DIT), objectClasses and attributes, schemas and LDIF files but should already be familiar with this theory (ideally having taken a course such as Basic LDAP). The course focuses on the use of overlays, run-time configuration (RTC) (cn=config), Monitoring (cn=monitor), syncrepl replication - including N-Way multi-mastering - and the design of LDAP proxies. In addition Fedora DS, OpenDS and ApacheDS Open Source implementations will be reviewed and students will experiment with ApacheDS.
Active Directory Windows Active Directory (AD) 2 day course. The course approaches Active Directory as an implementation of LDAP the emphasis being on understanding how is organized rather that what it does. Students will learn/review the theory and organization of the LDAP hierarchy or Object Tree Structure covering the Data Information Tree (DIT), objectClasses and attributes. LDAP Interchange Files (LDIF), LDAP security, STRUCTURAL, AUXILIARY and ABSTRACT Object Classes, Schemas, ASN.1 notation, matching rules, indexing and searching are all covered in detail. Students will then learn the scope, organization and functionality of the Active Directory implementation including forest and domain organization, the role of catalog servers and group policy objects. As part of the course students will extend AD with new OUs and other objectClasses. A platform independent LDAP browser, together with Microsoft tools, is used throughout the course to examine and extend the Windows Active Directory LDAP implementation.

Other courses: DNS Training, X.509 (SSL) Certificate Training, LDAP Training.


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