The policy routing service allows the user to configure incoming and outgoing priorities based on traffic type, port number or port range, ip address or ip address range.
The purpose of a routing policy is to determine, on overload conditions, the traffic that will be given the highest priority (i.e. serviced first and discarded last). Policy Routing may be used in a variety of ways e.g. to ensure that voice, video or other streaming media is serviced before (or after) other traffic types, to ensure that web response traffic is routed before normal web browsing traffic etc. etc.
The priority service operates only within the router limits i.e. it ensures that priority is allocated when sending data to the next hop it does not enable end-to-end prioritization or QoS (unless similarly configured ZyTrax equipment is used on all elements of the connection).
The policy service is configured using the MIB entries (up to 8 entries are allowed) in the ipPolicyTable (zytrax\router\routing\ipPolicyTable\ipPolicyEntry). Using CoolFig (2.0+) or Control Server (4.00+) (both available here). The following entries are required:
MIB Name | Meaning |
policyIPType | May take one of the following values:
policyPriority | Specifies the priority rating to be allocated to
the traffic type as follows:
policyLowPort | The only or lowest port number to be allocated the defined policyPriority. setting this value to 0 indicates that no ports are to be used (all traffic of policyIPType will be allocated the defined policyPriority) If policyIPType = 1 (ICMP) this value this value will be ignored. |
policyHighPort | The highest port number to be allocated the defined policyPriority. Setting this value to 0 indicates that either a single port number is to be used ( policyLowPort is non-zero) or no ports are to be used (policyLowPort is also zero). If policyIPType = 1 (ICMP) this value will be ignored. |
policyIP | Indicates the IP address (or range if policyMask used) that will be allocated the defined policyPriority. The value indicates no IP address are to be used in assigning a priority ie. all traffic of polcyIPType (subset by port range if specified). |
policyMask | Indicates the mask that will be applied to the policyIP address to allocate the defined policyPriority. |
policyMode | Indicates the direction of
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