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Montreal April 16th, 2008

ZYTRAX, Inc. announces the formation of a Training Group to specialize in DNS, LDAP, Telecommunications and Network Security

ZYTRAX, Inc. today announced that it was establishing a Training Group in response to increased demand from users for training in its selected areas of expertise - DNS, LDAP, Telecommunications and Network Security. The primary focus of the training will be on intensive basic and advanced courses targeted at system administrators, designers and programmers. The courses will concentrate on Open Source products but will include commercial products, notably Windows, as required to cover the subject topics in depth.

" This development flows naturally from increased demand from customers as they look to maximise the potential from Open Source products whose functionality and quality is constantly increasing." said Ron Aitchison, President of ZyTrax, Inc. " Unfortunately with increasing functionality comes increasing complexity. Natural learning curves are becoming unacceptably long for organizations to extract maximum returns. If you couple this with a new generation whose knowledge, in many cases, is limited to simple 'point and click' without really understanding what is going on 'under the hood' then there is a crisis of expertise looming. We are helping customers overcome the crisis and extract the maximum from their systems."

No technology area illustrates this more than LDAP. As organizations increasingly look to integrate heterogeneous Unix and Windows environments LDAP is increasingly seen as a key technology. The mobile telecommunications market, in a bid to facilitate interchange of data between networks and to provide standardized customer interfaces irrespective of the network in which they are currently roaming, are investing significantly in LDAP technology. In short the resurgence of interest in LDAP is creating a significant shortage of skills.

"LDAP is the only technology option that standardizes both local and remote data access. Unlike, say, SQL which is essentially a local, back-end technology LDAP is a natural front-end technology." said Aitchison "LDAP was never a simple technology but over the last couple of years its functionality has increased substantially to the point where the Lightweight in LDAP may no longer be entirely appropriate! Our training is focused on presenting the complexity in a way it can be quickly absorbed and with plenty of hands-on to re-enforce the theoretical."

In the Open Source world OpenLDAP used to be the only choice for LDAP users. There are now at least four high quality Open Source LDAP implementations freely available. With choice and functionality comes the need to make the right decision and having made that decision to exploit all the capability of the chosen implementation. ZyTrax is increasingly being asked to run on-site courses with content tailored to the organizations chosen implementation.

"On-site courses are surprisingly economic and break-even if an organization has as few as three or four key people it requires to train." stated Aitchison "If you couple the compelling economics with our ability to tailor content and quickly become familiar with customer terminology and operational practices we find that knowledge transfer - our underlying objective - is highly effective."

ZyTrax courses are a judicious mixture of theory and hands-on practise. They distill complex concepts and present them in a methodical way while always explaining the why as well as the how. "We think the words Knowledge Transfer and Knowledge Acquisition rather than training are more appropriate to describe our courses." mused Aitchison.

ZyTrax is currently offering a full range of courses in DNS, LDAP and Telecommunication technologies with Network Security courses in preparation. For the future Ruby and Ruby on Rails will be subjects of future announcements. In all cases the courses are based on in-house expertise acquired over a period of many years of implementation and development work. Full details of current courses may be obtained from the training web site.

ZyTrax, Inc. was founded in 1994 and is based in Hampstead (a suburb of Montreal), Quebec, Canada. The company specializes in IP systems, has been an Open Source user for many years, recently became FreeBSD converts and has been 'on-the-web' since the company started in 1994.

Additional Information and Contacts

Background: Company Background and History
Press Contacts: Ron Aitchison
  Tel: (+01)514.315.4296
Fax: (+01)514.807.7458
e-mail r.aitchison at
Mail: ZyTrax, Inc.
6201 Chemin Cote St. Luc
Suite 22
Hampstead QC
Canada H3X 2H2


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