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Recovery from an Access List router Lockout

A router ‘lockout’ typically occurs for the following reasons:

  1. You enter an incorrect IP address or Net Mask in the GoodGuys (Access List) table.

  2. The allocated GoodGuys IP addresses are no longer valid or available.

NOTE When you change the router’s IP address the GoodGuys list is automatically disabled to avoid accidental router ‘lockout’ states. You will need to re-establish a valid GoodGuy list after changing the IP address.

A router ‘lockout’ typically has the following symptoms:

  1. The router responds to a ‘Ping’ to its allocated IP address.

  2. The router responds to a ‘Ping’ to its alias IP address

  3. The router continues to forward and route traffic normally.

  4. Any attempt to access the router (using Telnet, CoolFig etc) fails to get any response.

  5. The router fails to respond to a diagnostic find command (using the Diagnostic button on CoolFig main Toolbar).

If all the symptoms indicate a router ‘lockout’ use the following procedure to recover the router (NOTE: Your PC must be connected on the same LAN segment as your router for this procedure to work):

  1. Ping the router using the IP address it should always respond to this address. If not reset the router and verify the ‘lockout’ symptoms again.

  2. Change the IP address on your PC to (net mask of, leave the setting of default gateway untouched). Reboot your PC as necessary.

  3. Run a diagnostic utility (CoolFig or NT_Ser) with a router IP address of and reconfigure the goodGuyTable correctly.

  4. Restore your PC settings and reboot as necessary.

  5. Verify that you can read any MIB value or run a Telnet session.

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